Computing 205 Tutorial Sheets
The following Computing 205/406/IT8 1996 tutorial worksheets, in WWW format,
are curently available on line.
Note that tutorials are always numerically one less than the
corresponding lecture so that, for example, Tutorial #3 is
the tutorial sheet for Lecture #4.
These tutorials are derived from the originals which were written
using the Macintosh application "WriteNow".
PostScript versions of the original
WriteNow documents are also available
here. If you intend to print these tutorials,
the PostScript version will, in general, be superior to the hypertext
versions below.
- Tutorial #1: Network Architecture Intro
- Tutorial #2: The TCP Protocol
- Tutorial #3: Applications #1
- Tutorial #4: Applications #2
- Tutorial #5: Applications #3
- Tutorial #6: Programming Interface
- Tutorial #7: Introduction to IP
- Tutorial #8: IP #2
- Tutorial #9: Domain Name System
- Tutorial #10: Point to Point Links
- Tutorial #11: Multiaccess Networks
- Tutorial #12: Telecommunications Services #1
- Tutorial #13: Telecommunications Services #2
- Tutorial #14: ASN.1 and BER Intro
- Tutorial #15: Network Management #1
- Tutorial #16: Network Management #2
- Tutorial #17: Network Security
- Tutorial #18: Network Security #2
- Tutorial #19: Electronic Data Interchange
- Tutorial #20: Client/Server Computing
- Tutorial #21: The Future...
Phil Scott